Sunday, September 27, 2009


1) Fence post: Canon powershot SD630 9/26/2009 5:13 pm 1/640 sec, f/5.6, 5.8mm
2) Row of trees: 9/26/2009 5:40 pm 1/400 sec f/5.6, 5.8mm
3) Waterfall: Kodak easyshare CX7310 3/20/2006 4:28 pm 1/12 sec, f/4.5, 5.9mm
4) Cabin: Canon powershot SD630 9/26/2009 1/50 sec, f/2.8, 5.8mm


  1. I love the composition of the second image. The way you captured the light and the water is awesome. the first image is a little dark but it is a neat shot.

  2. Hey Amelia:
    Your waterfall shot is absolutely amazing! I love the lighting, and the water is nice and smooth. Sweet pic. Where is your macro? :)

  3. I will have to agree with sis. Esplin. The water fall is an awesome shop. It looks like you really thought this shot out. I also really like the shot of the cabin. The way the roof fades right into the sky is really cool. In all honesty I didn’t get a great vibe from the other two shots. They really didn’t do much for me.

  4. I like the dark post in the first image. It really makes a nice composition. The waterfall is gorgeous. Nice contrast with the light water and the dark background. All your shots are nice. I like the shot of the cabin as well, its is nice how the path leads your eye to the cabin. Great job.
